IF you HAVE any questions about our counseling ministry, please contact our office at 903.831.6000 OR BY EMAIL.
Life Healing Classes
Grief Share (13 wks)
Tuesdays beginning 2/4/2025 in room 101
Grieving the loss of a loved one can be a painful process. This class offers valuable tools combined with group discussions to support those traveling through the journey of grief.
register here

Divorce Care (13 wks)
there will not be a session of divorce care this spring. these classes are INTERMITTENT throughout the year. Check back soon for the next scheduled registration
The reality of divorce can overwhelm hurting individuals. This group provides support and direction for participants to begin to heal and restore balance in life.

FBC Pastoral Counseling Policy
request for service
To request an appointment to receive counseling services, the counselee should call FBC and make an initial request through the Counseling Ministry Administrative Assistant. All inquiries will be handled in strict confidence.
In accordance with the Biblical Counseling model, women and children will be referred to the female Women's counselor and men will be referred to a male Pastoral counselor.
Please note: FBC is committed to the spiritual health of its members. Thus, counseling for FBC members always takes precedence over all non-member-related services.
Any statements made in the course of the counseling session will be kept in confidence by the Counselor. The duty to maintain confidences may not apply in the context of child abuse. A legal duty to report known or reasonably suspected cases of child abuse generally overrides the duty to maintain confidences (at least, for persons who are required to report under state law). Further, the counselor may reserve the right to disclose confidential information in specified situations such as threats of suicide or intent to harm another person.
Counselees will contact the counseling office and will be required to take the SYMBIS test and pay the fee required by SYMBIS. After that, counselees will be contacted to make an appointment. Members and non-members who miss 3 sessions will be given a referral, if possible. Not showing, canceling day-of, or continuously rescheduled sessions are considered missed appointments.
Counselees will contact the counseling office and will be required to take the SYMBIS test and pay the fee required by SYMBIS. After that, counselees will be contacted to make an appointment. If further sessions are needed, a donation of $20 for each additional session is suggested. Members who miss 3 sessions will be given a referral, if possible. Not showing, canceling day-of, or continuously rescheduled sessions are considered missed appointments.
individual counseling for members
Counselees will contact the counseling office and will be able to schedule an appointment. If further sessions are needed, a donation of $20 for each additional session is suggested. Members who miss 3 sessions will be given a referral, if possible. Not showing, canceling day-of, or continuously rescheduled sessions are considered missed appointments.
Counselees will contact the counseling office and will be required to have a referral from a pastor in the church. If further sessions are needed, a donation of $20 for each additional session is suggested. Non-members will need a different referral if any session is missed concerning the initial referral. Not showing, canceling day-of, or continuously rescheduled sessions are considered missed appointments.
We offer LIFE-HEALING programs for those desiring accountability in groups.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Biblically-based recovery program for those with hurts, habits, or hang-ups. The program runs year-round on Tuesday nights at 6:00 p.m.
Divorce Care
The reality of divorce can overwhelm hurting individuals. Divorce Care groups provide support and direction for participants to begin to heal and restore balance in life. Please see the Life Class schedule for additional information.
Grief Share
Grieving the loss of a loved one can be a painful process. Grief Share offers valuable tools combined with group discussions to support those traveling through the journey of grief. Please see the Life Class schedule for additional information.
Counseling Connection Classes
Midweek studies that deal primarily with marriage and parenting. Please check the Connection Class tab to see what class Chris and Rochelle are leading.